Accreditation plays a very important role in enhancing of quality standards of an organization. We help by assisting nursing colleges in smooth accreditation process by obtaining various accreditation and licenses as proposed by The Indian Nursing Council. This division of our organization is playing a leading role in upliftment of quality environment and standardized functioning in both public and private Nursing Colleges. The Quality and accreditation for medical College helps the organization achieve ISO certification, Accreditation through NAAC, and also other quality accrediting Organizations as per NCI guidelines.
We at Hospaccx, provide assistance in following activities for accreditation:
The set of above-mentioned activities are conducted by doing various quality check Audits in the Nursing College, arranging of training programs which can be generated through external trainer, in-house facility trainer or consultant trainer and resources. Similarly, facility assessment is carried out by training of facility staff to conduct assessment.
We provide a complete man power for carrying out these activities efficiently. Our well-trained and knowledgeable staff helps in conducting audits, various training programs and facility inspection efficiently.